August 3, 2018


The new tectonic map is pretty, if nothing else. However, pretty is about all it's good for, unless we keep in mind that each RGB color is a 3D map of the influences of convergent (red), transform (green), and divergent (blue) fault lines.

So I can take this and make a new uplift map. Convergent boundaries are strongest, transform boundaries will still form some mountains, and divergent should lower the terrain.

This map is infinitely more useful, as it shows what areas are likely to become mountains. I can play with the decay, of course, but I'm having so much trouble with the erosion model that I think this will do for now. No sense in changing too much at once.

Additionally, I see that the edge of the middle continent doesn't quite line up with the rift valley. This happens, of course, but I need to account for it by dropping some of that coast below sea level. Africa is a good example of this: there are several large lakes above the faults, where the earth is ripping apart and water is pouring in and seeping up.

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