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August 22, 2018

Expanding Demoland

So far I've only considered the people who live in the actual settlements as part of the industrial system. However, I neglected to consider the rural population in this equation. It's a lot more work to manually input everything, but I already mentioned that doing it by hand the first time helps me design a better program in the long run.

The biggest effect is that there will be more market towns. In fact, so much so that I might raise the support value for some of the industries. The system is much like a musical instrument - it must be tuned to produce optimal results.

I still had a few rules. I only expanded into hexes which bordered existing settled hexes. Otherwise, I'd have to make up a whole new set of rules for how far a hegemony extended, and that's a problem for another time.

I really like the way the map style is progressing. I need to think about how I'm going to make these automatically, but for now, the manual approach is nice. Hopefully this uploads with enough resolution to see the interesting features. Maybe I should have done like Chicago Wiz and stuck with 3 hexes at a time.

Cadewin and Ffrith are now market towns, but things are pretty expensive. Still, it's a long way down through the forest to Derl from Cadewin, so you should just suck it up and bear it. Cadewin, at least, is lucky to have a road down to Derl. Betryn isn't so lucky - they can take their chances through the forest (remember, no roads, so what trails are there will take a twice as long to traverse with a cart) or raft down the river.

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