February 13, 2019

Roads V: Hard to Port

Testing roads is already pretty difficult, since I want to let the population build up organically before placing them. Seaway routes are even more so, because they require a little more infrastructure to generate. They look good, except there are too many and they're not quite long enough.

As pretty as these look, I'd like to add a little intelligence to them. For example, these are really long journeys. Let's say that A, B, and C cities lie along a coast.

Furthermore suppose that an established route already exists between B and C.

Now, if A jumps into the sea-trade game, and wants a route to C, would it be preferable to go straight there, without resupply?

Instead, it's preferable to harbor at B, assuming that B is a friendly city.
So when selecting targets, the code should be able to check if there's already an existing route from B to C (and maybe there are more stops in between?) and reroute through an existing channel. I already kind of do this with the roads, but they're also constrained to a limited number of connections (since roads are physical objects which require maintenance, a trade route is an abstract concept).

This also assumes that a route A>B>C is always preferable to A>C. This might not always be the case. If B fell into enemy hands, then obviously it would no longer satisfy the criteria for a safe harbor. However, I can take this one step at a time and see how things shake out before adding additional constraints and shifting conditions.


  1. Also, for much of history ships sailed mostly within sight of land. So trading routes should have a fairly strong preference for coast-hugging in those eras.

    1. They do! I hesitate to make any pathfind cost zero, but the cost to stay near the coast is very very low. Trip might end up taking a little longer, but that's a small price to pay if you lose your mast in a storm 5 days from known land.

      Hopefully I'll have some good routes generated soon that I can show off.
