October 29, 2018

Elevation X: Once More with Filling

I have been working more on my terrain generation, and it's looking better if not entirely Earth-like. At some point, it will have to be "good enough." I made a change to the code which fixed some of the deposition problems, and definitely fixed the problem where the terrain would reach an equilibrium height (which was usually very low, like 3000 ft).

Of course, there are still problems with endorheic basins, and equilibrium. Eventually (around 22,000 ft), I stopped the generator and made some "manual" adjustments, which usually involves adding in some Perlin noise (or other types), running a few erosion cycles, and then scaling all the heights to [1, 25599] ft.

I also made some changes to the SVG code and got rid of the unsightly hex borders, so everything looks a little smoother now. I am considering writing some code to illustrate the height a little better, maybe one of the classic green-brown heightmaps. On a b/w map, anything under 6000 ft is basically not visible.

Next, I want to revisit the wind algorithm. The precipitation model is good, but the winds blow in odd directions onto the coast, and I think there is some weirdness going on there. There is too much moisture in some places, and not enough in others, so the Koppen map ends up evenly divided between utter desert and hostile rainforest. There's not nearly enough of Koppen class C, which is the most desirable (imho) for human habitation.

(what sorts of races prefer other climates? food for thought)

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