April 25, 2018

Continental Breakfast

I've finally finished the rough draft of the coastline. Over the next few years I'll continue to chip away at these shores. This process itself will simulate the breaking of waves continually for thousands of years.

Black represents land, white represents not-land. Later on I'll add colors more like we're accustomed to seeing on maps; for now, the starkness of it helps me think uncritically about the shapes. If the rest of the project starts to slow down my posting schedule, I might zoom in and explore some of the individual coastlines in more detail to fill the gaps.

This picture represents my entire world canvas. The circumference of one of these hexes is 24,840 miles (Earth is 24,901), so this is almost exactly Earth sized. One side of the hex measures 207 hexes, or 4140 miles.

There is a lot of land on this map, especially in the southern hemisphere. I'm expecting a good deal of desert as a result - the water on land has to come from somewhere, and the pressure/precipitation systems in the south will probably not be super conducive to rich forests.

But we will see.


  1. In retrospective it is, I think, quite unfortunate for the readers that the selected projection piecemeals (interrupts, as cartographers say) the landmass into portions located at map sides and angles, and because of that the overall geometry is hard to grasp. It seems the map would look less counter-intuitive if the oceans, not continents were interrupted (if it's possible at all with this projection).

    1. Certainly. It's something I struggled with. However, I realized that most players will usually only see small portions at a time, if at all. I'm more interested in the generated properties these days, and the raw geography grounds-eye-view, as it were.

      It'd be cool to rewrite some of the projection code but ultimately it's not where I decided to spend my time. Definitely worth a look in the future though!
