September 10, 2020

The Juvenis Adventure

For the last few weeks, I've been lucky enough to be a player in Alexis' reboot campaign, the Juvenis Adventure.

The experience has been quite something even in early stages. Play-by-post is a tricky mistress, and even more so when the players stretch across many time zones. Alexis' game is hard work at times, but it's different from every campaign I've ever been in.

My fresh-off-the-boat elven fighter was thrown more or less immediately into a fight which far outclassed me. The party had last left off fighting demon toads and attempting to close a gate to Hell itself. Oh sure, I've been in (and run) similar scenarios before; so what was so different about this one?

The difference crystallized in a single moment: we attempted to swing an icy gate shut and a demon teleported right next to me to prevent us from moving it. My Level 1 fighter had no magical weapons, an overly cautious demeanor towards combat, and no health to speak of. I knew this demon could kill me and cast my soul into Hell, probably all in the same turn.

And there's the difference: I had to decide to stand and fight (and protect my friends) or to run and maybe save myself. I felt real fear in the pit of my stomach - my character had no backstory to save, no valuables to protect - a coldness in my heart weighing my options. I had to overcome an actual emotion, to swallow my pride and put my body in the breach.

That is something you won't find in any other game.

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