August 9, 2019

History XVII: Cradle of Civilizations

I have been working mostly on updates to the code. Now it runs a little smoother.

To this point, I've been randomly placing cities across the map. Because each race has a highly preferred climate, this usually means that, e.g., elven cities will all end up in roughly the same place. But occasionally there will be a city placed far across the map, on the other side of the world.

I'm not, for the moment, interested in creating a grand mythology. They're cool, and maybe I'll work on some lore at some point, but for now it's irrelevant. However, I do wonder if a single-origin point for each race wouldn't give even more verisimilitude.

The first settlement (for each race) will be randomly placed. Each subsequent city must then be a specific distance from an existing settlement. This can model expansion from a single-origin point.

If the initial city is not in an optimally desirable location, then migration should naturally occur up towards those optimal locations.

Seems good-ish so far. I think the city generation ought to be a bit higher to account for the additional constraints.With this model, none of the races would have met another "civilized" race yet after 1200 years.

Whether that's likely or not is up to the discretion of the reader.

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